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Important Tips For Stocking Guest Supplies In 2022

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Over the last decade, has there been a more pressing matter that Earth has faced then the impact plastic wastage and littering has had? Here at Alliance Online we would argue that there hasn’t and the issue of providing eco-friendly alternatives has become a necessity for a commercial company due to the increased awareness surrounding this topic. We will be detailing the possibilities that a commercial hotel, bed and breakfast or even some restaurants should look to utilise this summer with the increased amount of domestic and foreign tourism the UK is expecting to see.


I understand and appreciate the apprehension that some people can have when using plant-based toiletries. However this summer it is imperative to stock up on the essential toiletries needed for the upcoming months where we will be seeing more and more people travelling. It can’t be overstated how important it is now that consumers and customers see that a business is enacting upon the demand for sustainable and recyclable products whether this be in the form of toiletries or other guest supplies. It is common knowledge that the first thing a customer in a hotel will do is go straight to the bathroom to check the qualities of the amenities. We would personally recommend employing the Anyah range of products for a hotel or bed and breakfast as they provide assurances in both product quality as well as sustainably made and recyclable. Completely compatible with skin the Anyah range of products are also vegan-friendly guaranteeing satisfied customers.

Geneva Green

The ultimate solution to the issue of finding eco-friendly shampoo and other guest toiletries has been answered with the Geneva Green collection. Providing a 100% recyclable and producing a 0% wastage for landfill sites, the Geneva Green range is ideal for any commercial hotel. A vegan-friendly alternative to traditional guest supplies. It has been argued that the most important aspect of staying in a hotel is that the customer must enjoy the experience and feel comfortable staying in the facilities provided. With a carbon neutral footprint to boot, the Geneva Green amenities collection is designed with a unique circular approach. With the increased demand for eco-friendly products being utilised many products and brands need to find a way to set them apart from the competition, Geneva Green have achieved this by creating a product and packaging that is fully recyclable.


An essential for the modern hotel and restaurant is the dispenser. Dispensers have long been used in commercial bathrooms as they are easy and convenient. Dispensers also provide an efficient and accurately measured way of dispensing which can save costs overall, the reason for this being that simply with a more accurate way of dispensing will lead to less being used each time which in turn reduces the frequency of buying more stock. One of the most common issues that is brought up regarding soap dispensers is the fact that they can often become quickly unhygienic and require regular cleaning maintenance which can be time-consuming. It remains the case though that dispensers are the best way of using soap in commercial bathrooms. Here at Alliance Online we can understand that hotel toiletries is one of the most important aspects of the customer experience in a hotel and so we believe that the best way to satisfy guests would be to introduce the Smart Care Dispenser System. This is designed to excel in both practicality and aesthetics, works perfectly with the Green Culture Eco product range. As the Summer progresses it becomes increasingly important that hotels check their stock and introduce new options for guests to stay fresh.


Finding the right towels for your guests sounds like an easy job however this couldn’t be further from the truth. To say guests can be temperamental is an understatement, some customers prefer their towels to be ultra-soft for sensitive skin whilst other tend to lean more towards rugged and textured towels. It can be difficult trying to find the required balance necessary to please all guests. It has been often noted that the towels of a hotel are the most important aspect when it comes to cleaning the bathrooms and keeping a positive aesthetic in a room.

Hotel Room Additions

Hotel Guest Supplies Trends

There are currently a lot of new and fresh trends that are dominating the hotel sector in 2022. As you can gather the theme of this article has been about the ways in which a hotel can implement new eco-friendly measures throughout their services. The reason for this has been two-fold, an earnest attempt by myself to convince the reader to help with reducing the damage on the environment and also the current trend that hotels are experiencing is an Eco-friendly push. Gone are the days where a guests augmented product and service expectations are reusing towels. Guests at hotels now firmly expect at minimum integrated green practices whether this be in the towels all the way up to potential solar panels. To say that the only way a hotel establishment can be successful and profitable in 2022 is by incorporating solar panels is wrong and far-fetched however the basic premise is the concept of where you can try and introduce new and innovative ways of increasing environmental sustainability. As this has been a trend for the last couple of years it has reached the point of expectation now where hotels will need to adapt or go extinct in this modern climate.

This Summer it is imperative for a hotel or bed and breakfast to stock up on guest supplies for the upcoming months ahead as we see a rise in tourism. As part of this restocking we at Alliance Online would highly recommend for a reader in the position of owning a hotel to incorporate eco-friendly options that would work well for all guests. The suggestions provided would be an excellent starting point for a hotel to base their ideas off of. The aim of this guide has been to suggest the products and ways that a hotel establishment could use to help achieve a more sustainable company.


  2. Geneva Green (
  3. Smart Care Dispenser System (
  4. Towels (
  5. 100 Hotel Trends You Need to Watch in 2022 & Beyond (
Important Tips For Stocking Guest Supplies In 2022
Article Name
Important Tips For Stocking Guest Supplies In 2022
This article details the importance of restocking for the upcoming months for hotels and also goes in-depth regarding the trends and best options we at Alliance Online currently offer.
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Alliance Online
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