Although there is an increasing focus on safety in the workplace, there is less emphasis on reducing pain.
Studies that WearerTech have carried out have shown that in a group of workers who spend a lot of time on their feet, 96% had experience pain and 47% has visited a healthcare professional about their work-related pain within the last 12 months. From talking to workers, we’re finding that many of them accept pain as part of their job, which is having a huge negative impact on both themselves and the business they work in.
I’m going to take you through how reducing pain can have a positive impact on both staff and the company they work for.
Wellbeing of staff
If there’s one thing the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has taught us it’s our staff are our greatest assets. So, looking after the wellbeing of your staff should be just as important as brand building and product / service development. By looking after your staff, you can enable them to reduce stress, improve focus at work, increase job satisfaction, have a positive outlook, and have better relationships with colleagues and managers.
It can be safely assumed that staff who are in less pain, are going to feel better in themselves and the job they are doing. By providing WearerTech footwear, you can reduce your staff’s pain by 90%. Here’s what WearerTech wearers had to say about their shoes:
“I think they are great! I have noticed in just a short space of time how less tired my legs are at the end of the day and how less supported my feet actually feel when I put my ‘normal shoes’ back on at the end of a shift!”
“Since putting on my first pair of WearerTech Relieves, I’ve not looked back. They’ve not only relieved the severe stabbing pain in my heels caused by planter fasciitis, but have completely eradicated it, leaving me pain free and able to concentrate at work.”
Employee engagement
When employees are in pain it can become consuming, meaning they are unable to concentrate on their work. By reducing pain, you reengage your team leading to many benefits for both staff members and the company. This shows a level of understanding and appreciation towards your staff and can act as the foundation for a stronger company culture where people enjoy their work increasing both productivity and in turn customer satisfaction.
A study by Humana1 showed that 89% of employees working in a space that prioritizes wellness feel happy and 67% of employees working for companies with a wellness scheme feel more engaged in the goals and missions of their employer.
These statistics show how focusing on pain reduction and work wellness helps your staff feel more considered. Implementing wellness strategies can help you build a team who are engaged, and likely to stay with your company. One way you can reduce pain is by implementing WearerTech footwear to staff who are spending high amounts of time on their feet.
Naturally, productivity from staff is the key goal when motivating staff, but how can pain reduction and workplace comfort help bolster employee productivity?
Well, the concept is simple: staff who aren’t in pain can give more. WearerTech have always believed this to be the case, but they wanted to put this to the test. They collaborated with a large FM company on one of their sites with varied job roles and tested the number of tasks the staff did for a prolonged period of time. First, they used their normal work footwear, during this period the number of tasks completed were recorded. Then the staff wore WearerTech footwear (which reduces pain) and worked for the same period of time as before whilst again monitoring the number of tasks completed.
An increase in productivity was expected, but WearerTech were blown away by the results. The increase in productivity was 26.5% when wearing their footwear.
Speak to your local Alliance rep to find out more about the WearerTech range or purchase the shoes online here.
Humana study: