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A Few Tips on Shopping for a Fridge

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A technological development in refrigeration to keep in mind

Your refrigerator is the largest user of electricity in any kitchen. Improvement in energy efficiency has been a highly sought aspect in refrigeration technology. Magnetic refrigeration is the new technology that has been breaking into the market. Instead of the traditional gas-compression refrigeration, magnetic refrigeration is quieter, safer (due to less pressure) & able to emit much lower temperatures due to the magnetic field involved in the cooling equation. Not only is this a gas-free alternative but it also vastly decreases energy consumption & thus decreases running costs.

What caterers consider before buying new equipment

Due to high volumes of food being stored, finding the right size for a caterer’s new refrigerator is vital. Depending on the scale of the venues you cater for, you may need multiple units or a single large unit to get the most value for your money. Be sure to consult your colleagues, managers or one of our dedicated customer service professionals to give you the best advice possible for your particular needs. Energy efficiency should also be taken into account. There are two key benefits taking environmental, energy-favouring factors that should be taken into account when browsing for your next refrigerator: cost saving and PR. In addition to older units, a lower energy efficiency class will sap much more energy and thus increase your electric bills. Requiring storage for large quantities of food for a kitchen will mean the higher the grade, the vaster the savings on utilities will be for your budget. This is the refrigerator you could be using for the next 10+ years, so you need to get as much efficiency out of it as you can. Going out of your way to purchase energy-saving appliances is also incredibly beneficial to the environment. Making it well known you’re saving energy in a “Go Green” manner wherever possible is also incredibly beneficial to your public relations, letting shareholders and other community members know you’re saving energy wherever you can.  

The pros and cons of using a number of free-standing units against one large walk-in unit

Using a number of freestanding units can mean greater operational efficiency in the day-to-day running of the kitchen. Whilst having a walk-in may seem more convenient in a way of having all of your refrigerated produce in one place, having free-standing units as an alternative saves more space, allowing room for additional equipment or for staff to manoeuvre effectively in the workspace. It’s also more effective having different types of refrigerated goods in different units. For example, it’s more hygienically sound to keep cooked meats, raw meat and fresh produce in separate units due to cross-contamination being less likely. However, using multiple free-standing units will use a lot more energy by comparison which you must take into consideration if saving on utilities is an important factor. In addition, as mentioned earlier, it can be more efficient for time to have all of your refrigerated goods in one single walk-in unit. Unfamiliar or new staff members may take longer to find what they’re looking for due to having to search for multiple free-standing units which can result in time wasted when working in a busy kitchen. Amongst all manners of top of the line catering equipment; Alliance supplies the most quality models of refrigerators in the industry: including Foster; Genfrost, Gram, LEC & Williams. You can visit our website at to look at the best range and prices for microwaves, refrigerators, freezers,  fryers & any other appliance you may need to keep your kitchen running smooth . If you would like some advice on which type of refrigerator would be best for your kitchen’s needs, our dynamic & friendly team can be reached at or by phone at 0844 499 4300. Our regional depots all across the UK allow Alliance to provide the most exceptional, qualitative & expert service. We’ll be more than happy to help.
A Few Tips on Shopping for a Fridge
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A Few Tips on Shopping for a Fridge
Your refrigerator is the largest user of electricity in any kitchen. Improvement in energy efficiency has been a highly sought aspect in refrigeration technology. Magnetic refrigeration is the new technology that has been breaking into the market. Instead of the traditional gas-compression refrigeration, magnetic refrigeration is quieter, safer (due to less pressure) & able to emit much lower temperatures due to the magnetic field involved in the cooling equation. Not only is this a gas-free alternative but it also vastly decreases energy consumption & thus decreases running costs.
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Alliance Online
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